Air rifle sessions at Frylands Wood are run in our custom-built rifle range, just past the pond on Bunny Drive. We use 0.177 diablo shaped lead pellets and have 3 different types of air rifle available. Only guns with a 0.177 inch calibre & muzzle energy of 12 ft/lb or less are allowed on Scout Premises, including this Centre.
If a Frylands Wood Instructor is running your air rifle session, then we will ensure all participants are given time to develop their technical skills in shooting, before introducing games and challenges to apply these skills. We will ensure the session is run in as safe a manner as possible and ask you to support us in this by managing your participants behaviour throughout.
If you are running your own air rifle session, then please provide us with copies of your permit/ certificates in advance (as needed, see ‘Conditions of Use’), and also ensure you read, understand & sign the related ‘Conditions of Use’ before starting the session. It will then be your responsibility to ensure the session is run in as safe a manner as possible, including managing your participants behaviour throughout.
Minimum Age: 8+ Years (As of October 2023 we have changed the minimum from 5+ to 8+ years)
Most appropriate for: 8+ Years
Please note: The group leader MUST ensure that each member of their group has the appropriate parental permission form that includes reference to Section 21 of the Firearm Act to take part in this activity. Form available below.
Permission to Shoot Form – Under 18s
Adults should also sign a Section 21 declaration to take part, example form below
Permission to Shoot Form – Adults
For groups wishing to use their own instructors a valid NSRA certificate must be shown at the site office before commencing this activity.