Team Building sessions at Frylands Wood are run on the grassed area next to the pond. The aim of teambuilding is not to solve the problems (that would be problem solving!); almost everyone works as part of a team, either at work, socially or as part of an interest or hobby. The aim of a Team Building session is to improve the team balance; working together, communication and understanding each other.
If a Frylands Wood Instructor is running your Team Building session, then we will ensure all participants are given time to develop their social and teamwork skills through simple tasks and challenges, before introducing more complex problems in which to apply these skills.
We will ensure the session is run in as safe a manner as possible and ask you to support us in this by managing your participants behaviour throughout. Please note, though; while we ask you to support us with behaviour, please do not be tempted to help them solve the problem (we know how hard this is!). We will facilitate this through our questioning and adaptation of the task that they are currently undertaking.
If you are running your own Team Building session, then please ensure you read, understand & sign the related ‘Conditions of Use’ before starting the session. It will then be your responsibility to ensure the session is run in as safe a manner as possible, including managing your participants behaviour throughout.